-At MIT Visual Arts Center in Boston, this gender show got me like crack (I went back twice, and it has since ended) The videos Charles Atlas made in the '80's, brilliant brilliant...Hail the New Puritan's last scene murdered me
-I met Marina Abramovic at ps1 in Queens, fulfilling something somewhat.
She signed a book I purchased and wrote me a message for the future on the back of a David Shrigley postcard.

She said she was tired.
-Currently Courting Camus, Rilke, or anyone morosely tragic while still strangely uplifting into sadly attractive. In youth, I wandered in libraries and lived there, picking up books at random and devouring them. I'd read a name suggestion and follow that lead; so my personal discovery upon classics and traditional literature was solely based on chance. In short, there is much I've read and much I've missed, and I see mostly advantages. This method caused the following: I now read things that, in the past and in my immaturity, I wouldn't understand then (which happened often) - My unique literature exploration allows me to still have a personal relationship to random readings - I appreciate word-of-mouth suggestions more than any other kind, because I've known so few.
-Go see the William Kentridge at MOMA, you bastards

Two months past and it is still resonating...